About Me

Hello. I'm Vivienne, and here is a little about me:

My own life experiences have formed a big part of the education for what I do now.

I've lived abroad (including in Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia); worked in different industries (from fashion to tech and design); been made redundant (ouch!); felt stuck in a rut (more than once); realised my 'dream job' wasn't for me (but not known what to do next)... learning along the way to trust that I'll figure stuff out if I take a leap of faith. Two important life lessons for me have been: 1) it is definitely OK to ask for help and 2) setting boundaries is a must if you want to swerve burn-out.

I'm naturally curious about people, and have tended to make time over the years to listen to others when they have sought my support or just wanted to vent. The insights this has given me into behaviour - combined with a coaching diploma of course* - serve me well when speaking to clients. I have a natural ability to see different perspectives - providing an insight which is essential if one is to avoid stumbling blocks when making key life decisions.

On my days off you'll find me either at the Serpentine swimming, hosting a Conversations with Vivienne or immersing myself in something creative. Twice a month I volunteer as a listener at The Listening Place. I'd like to add that I love pottering in my garden, but my dead plants would show otherwise!

I live in London but my clients are world wide. All thanks to Zoom!

*I hold a transformational coaching diploma from top coaching academy Animas, accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

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